I wrote an article on rebuilding my groundsaw that’s being published in Lawn & Garden Tractor magazine starting with the 2013, Jan./Feb. issue. A gentlemen, Dan, saw the article and contacted me about a groundsaw that his father in Iowa had to sell. It was a Hawk Bilt H-900 that was made for mounting on an Allis Chalmers. I wasn’t interested in it, but knew someone that would be. I had been in email contact with a gentlemen, Josh, who I knew would be interested. So, I arranged a contact between Dan and Josh so they could work out a deal. By concidence, Josh had a trip planned to Iowa to do some trading for another piece of Allis Chalmers equipment (a Sweepster). He made the trip and got the groundsaw. Here’s part of an email he sent me (after several tries to get it sent with the pictures.)
“Here is the email I sent, the day after my trip. I get a kick out of chasing down tractor goodies, and I miss hitting the road already! I think I have a trip planned to visit Mike and some of the other AC/Simplicity guys in Ohio next month. This will make it a 2nd annual visit.
Thanks again for your help on the groundsaw! I’m not real sure when I will have time to get it going…probably when warmer weather makes an appearance. The Sweepster took priority so I could use it in the snow, and now I have a golf cart repower I need to get moving on. THEN…the groundsaw. I will probably pull the lines and have those remade in the interim.”
Note: Josh has since sold/traded this Groundsaw to a good friend.
Here’s the pictures Josh sent along with the email. The first pictures were taken in Iowa.