Here’s what Josh had to say about this second Groundsaw he purchased.
” I went down to central Indiana for this one. It popped up at the Portland show/swap, and was purchased before I could grab it. Scott Urschel had it for sale, on an old Simplicity with Cub Danco loader. I missed the saw, but wound up making a deal with Scott on the Danco. I found out from Scott who bought the saw, and I purchased it. It turned out to be a Simplicity collector I knew and had dealings with previously.”
And, after he got it home, he sent me this email:
“I found myself motivated to get little to no sleep last nite. I removed the groundsaw from the landlord 101, and moved it to it’s new carrier, my ’64 landlord. I tinkered with the donor tractor a bit and had it sold before I hit the sack! The saw is now looking very comfortable. Show ready, in my opinion. I will replace one gear, maybe a line or two, and install a repop decal. I have no plans to strip her of her work clothes…I like the look. The tractor is completely original, except a dealer repower in ’73, and is one of my pride and joy’s. I have to get the drive pulley installed, as well as the belt from the hydraulic motor on the saw, to the transmission on the tractor. I made an error in cutting a belt off of the saw, as one of the main hoses passed through the center (the previous user was not driving the tractor from the saw…I plan to use both drive methods for show and for speed). Once I installed the saw, I realized the belt route was intentional, as the hose will not allow the belt to pass beside it, but instead, is perfectly situated to go right through the belt when in use. Now I need to pop the line off, try to avoid a big mess, and install another $25 belt. Oops. I’m almost there!”
And, here’s the pictures that Josh sent me of the mounted groundsaw.